zaterdag 24 augustus 2013

Windowfarm 2

Hi Guys,
I made a second colom for my window farm:

I had to split the water tupe in two. I used a part of a spraybottle because  it's a frugal windowfarm. This was a  cleaning stuff spraybottle.
So now the water tube is split into two small tubes:
(sorry ths photo is out of focus)

PLants are not doing that good:
Basil looks a litlle beter than before:

maandag 5 augustus 2013

Carlota Perez

focusing on saving finance 
will get us nowhere unless it 
occurs as a result of reviving 
and reorienting the 
economy. Promoting a 
green economy is a solid 
route to jobs and growth (Carlota Perez)


Dit moet ik proberen:
Zelf citroengras kweken. Gewoon was lemongrass kopen op de albertcuyp. Er moeten wortels en wat bladeren aan zitten. In een glas water zetten, zodat de wortels onder staan. En dan wat actieve houtskool in het water doen. Nog nooit mee gewerkt. Wortels moeten binnen een week gaan groeien. Als de wortels 8 cm zijn overplanten in pot. Een wortel per pot. De plant kan niet tegen vorst, moet dus binnen staan in de winter. Je kan de hele plant eten. Van stengels en bladeren thee trekken. Wortel fijn snijden als knoflook in aziatische gerechten. Goed tegen hoofdpijn en spierkrampen en helpt bij het verteringsproces.
Goed tegen de muskieten!


My windowfarm is up and running. Althought it is on my balcony and not in front of a window. In wintertime I can move it inside.
I use a waterpump (900 liters pro hour), because I had it. I put the pump in the cristmas tree stand. I raised this stand a bit from the ground otherwise the water wouldn't flow.
The waterpump is on for 3 times 20 minutes a day with the help of a timer. Is that enough, I dont see a lot of info on  that.
As you can see I did some macrame work to attach the bottles. I had a hard time getting a hole in the bottum of the bottles.

The bacilicum I put in didn't seem to happy. I always have a hard time to keep it alive. I hope it will recuperate and stay more healthy in the windowfarm.
I put in Some thyme as well: