maandag 5 augustus 2013


My windowfarm is up and running. Althought it is on my balcony and not in front of a window. In wintertime I can move it inside.
I use a waterpump (900 liters pro hour), because I had it. I put the pump in the cristmas tree stand. I raised this stand a bit from the ground otherwise the water wouldn't flow.
The waterpump is on for 3 times 20 minutes a day with the help of a timer. Is that enough, I dont see a lot of info on  that.
As you can see I did some macrame work to attach the bottles. I had a hard time getting a hole in the bottum of the bottles.

The bacilicum I put in didn't seem to happy. I always have a hard time to keep it alive. I hope it will recuperate and stay more healthy in the windowfarm.
I put in Some thyme as well:

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